Making it Rain

 From my previous post you can see that I have gotten the camera movements I wanted down. IN this post I want to break down my process for adding in cloud movement, darkening the sky, making the rain effects and adding in some lightning effects as well. 

I started with some research into making rain effects happen in Toon Boom and it seems that there are several ways the program even has its own particle effects system if you pay for the higher tiers. Looking back though I may have to find a better tutorial for the effects that I want. I took reference from my previous shooting stars animation and am going to use the same technique for the creation of rain, but we can't have rain without clouds. Below you can see the mock up I did.

Using keyframe animation I created cloud assets and then added a few more clouds and brought them in using keyframes. I also used the same lighting effect I created for the blinding light camera effect and repurposed it for a quick lightning effect. 

After adding the lightning effect I took my time to make the rain using the hand drawn effect I used for a previous animation I tried. I drew all the frames allowing me to create a basic rain effect but I know that I can make it better.

I went back to the drawing board and created a new raining animation that looks even better than before honestly. It was a lot simpler to use the line tool and create straighter rain with shift keeping everything even. I also increased the amount of rain. Because we don't really see rain falling because it is falling so fast all I needed to do was create several frames worth of rain and then cycle them back and forth to create my new rain. 
I did a second test to see if running both effects made a more convincing rain and it looks like with both the rain looks like there is some strong wind blowing some of the droplets which I thought was a nice touch.

I used this image as a reference to create the style of rain I wanted



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